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Godot Engine, a great alternative to Unity

· 2 min read
Guillermo Brito
Software Developer


Since I can remember, video games are a form of entertainment that allows you to take yourself to various fantasy worlds and even compete against your friends, without the need to leave your desk.

Today I will talk to you about Godot Engine and it may sound familiar to you, since it is an open source engine that will allow you to create both 3D and 2D video games without any type of problem or complications, but it is a good alternative to Unity or other engines?

What is Godot Engine?

First of all, and in case you haven't heard of the topic, Godot Engine is an open source engine created by Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur in order to create an engine that facilitates the development of video games, and in my experience, it is the easiest engine to use thanks to its node operation.

How is it different from other engines?

Asset Library

This is a great discussion point and makes a lot of sense if you want to start your project, and in reality there is not much difference with engines like Unity, since both have a repository of resources and templates, in addition to having an extensive community and a very good collection of tutorials.

The only difference would be its development model, since Godot is open source and Unity is closed source.

What can I create with Godot Engine?


Godot Engine allows you to create both 2D and 3D video games with the GDScript, C++ and C# programming language, in addition to having the possibility of using other programming languages unofficially. It also allows us to export our projects to different platforms, even the web.

If you are new to this field, I recommend that you use this engine in your first project and also if you are an expert, believe me, you will not regret it,